Please find below my excuse for my posting absence:
We weren’t starting a new trend, we were getting our carpets cleaned and have very few places to store anything. Our kitchen took on the book shelf, our bedroom held the rest. But gosh darn our carpets are clean!
So that is my first excuse, and it’s a good one, but the carpets were cleaned last Saturday, only hindering me from baking and cooking until Monday, when they were dry enough to load back up with furniture. My second excuse came about as a bit of a surprize. Someone in our building has ants. We don’t but that doesn’t matter, we got a notice on Monday that our floor (along with 15 others) were being treated for ants. Okay, easy enough. No, they needed us to clear out our cupboards and drawers. Tah dah:
Anyway, I do have posts for you wonderful folks, but I need a night to focus, finish reinstating my life, and relax. Sorry about the big pause, but now that I have a clean carpet and access to my kitchen, I will whip you all up something spectacular! (or just good.)