So, with this summer filled with visitors, visiting, and work (I wish I could’ve got another ‘v’ in there), I have been really erratic with my posting. When I first started Not Crocker I had hope for my sister having time to post, but with two small children, there just hasn’t been time, so it’s all me. I was posting as often as possible, but this left me exhausted with no energy to cook. When folks came into town, or if I took a vacation I didn’t have any posts ready to go. So. A schedule has been made! I am going to post Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. There will be occasional posts in and around these days, heck I get excited about the stuff I make, but you can count on great posts on those four days. And don’t worry, this isn’t today’s post! I have a recipe for Pita Bread coming out in an hour, it is easy and delicious and amps up any sandwich.
Here’s a photo of my messy-faced niece telling YOU to come back for more!

“I want YOU to come back for more!”… no really, she can’t talk yet, but it is clearly what she’s thinking.