Brief Hiatus— Super brief, I will be back at it Sunday

I am in the midst of buckle-down time for a number of real-life work projects. My stress level has peaked and I need to let something sit for a bit while I get stuff done. Not Crocker has been doing wonderfully the last few weeks and I hate to stall progress, but I really need to wrap up some other projects so I can back to a normal level of stress. But, don’t fret, I am just going to take the rest of this week and will be back with a couple of glorious posts. What to look forward to? Flourless chocolate cake with praline and cayenne, inspired by a favourite restaurant; pasta sauce made with mascarpone (seriously, I still have a ton); a new and exciting braided and stuffed bread; at least one new dip; something blueberry (blueberries are out and about!).

To tide you over, photograph-style, here are a couple photos from the summer.

I am crazy about radishes and happily my parents always have a bowl of them in the fridge.


My husband and mom being sassy.

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